Who is the service for?
Children and young people from the age of 4 - 19 years who live in Staffordshire. At the age of 18 the young person would transition over to the care of the adult service.
How do I refer?
GPs, Paediatricians, Social Workers, Health Visitors, School Nurses, or Community Children's Nurses, or any other professionals working with the family, who have obtained appropriate consent can refer by completing the referral form and emailing mpft.spht@nhs.net
What we offer
We will make a link with the child or young person's school if needed and advocate for the needs to be met whilst they are attending school. We can provide school staff with education / training and support with care planning. We will also offer home visits.
We deliver one Children's Specialist Clinic for Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction per month for children and young people who live in the City of Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire Moorlands or Newcastle under Lyme.
This is held on Friday 9.00 am - 12.00 pm at Ryecroft Health Centre, Broad Street, Newcastle, ST5 2BQ.
Following our assessments we may refer on to other services such as Pediatrician, Urologist, GP, School Nurse, Health Visitor, Gastroenterologist, CAMHS learning disability team, and the Children's Community Nursing Team, and constipation clinic.
Patient Leaflets
Pelvic Floor Awareness for Teenagers