Sensory Yoga Training Workshops

Learning Disability Occupational Therapists Stella Smith and Hayley Wilson are now offering sensory yoga training workshops for carers and parents as an intervention for individuals with learning disabilities who have sensory integration difficulties or who have experienced trauma. The occupational therapists are trained Sensory Integration Practitioners who have utilised their own continued professional development training in Sensory Enhanced Yoga for Trauma Healing and Emotional Regulation, Special Yoga for Learning Disabilities, and Special Yoga for Adults with Autism to deliver these interactive workshops. The aim of the training for parents and carers is as follows:

  • To understand the different sensory systems and how yoga can support them
  • To gain confidence at a foundation level with adapted yoga poses, breathing practices, and mindfulness exercises which can be used to support body awareness, gross motor skill development, emotional regulation, and mental wellbeing for the adults they support.

They are hoping to be able to offer a rolling programme for parents and carers to be able to continue to build on their skills following their initial attendance to the workshops. Feedback so far has been extremely positive.


"This Group Helps Keep Me Going"

Paul Moloney, David Dobel-Ober and Sarah Millichap have been using the internet to sustain a 'Psychology in the Real World' group for men with learning disabilities. An account of their work is published on The British Psychological Society website.


Sound and Vision

Reflections on running a community-based group for men with learning disabilities online, during the pandemic published in the British Journal of Learning Disabilities.



Today was great meeting you couldn't have sent a better person. X met with (Service User) and staff and we went through everything. X has arranged to come out in May again which is great - Many thanks.

Psychology sessions described as “fantastic”, “very professional”, “ approachable”. The family carer found the sessions extremely useful and has embedded the advice given in his daily life. The family are very grateful for the service offered which they believe have helped their son and prevented him from “getting in trouble“

Care provider expressing gratitude for the training and ongoing support. You and the team have been incredibly knowledgeable and dealt with the needs of the service user and we as a team have benefitted greatly from this collaborative working. Please pass on our gratitude to your team, and we would hope that we continue to work with you and the team now and in the future.

You are amazing. Thank you.

She is challenging to support on many levels and as a family we appreciate what the team do for her.

The latest LD MHN has provided great support & advice to me so I can support my daughter.

Thanks expressed for X hard work and support around a service user. “The level of detailed information you and your team have provided, alongside your proactive and prompt responses have undoubtedly aided the process and allowed us to offer a holistic approach to the person. Whilst we still have a way to go with this case, I don’t think we would be at this stage without you, so thank you again”.

I am writing to thank you for your membership of the Committee for NICE guidance on Social Work with Adults Experiencing Complex Needs. Your commitment, enthusiasm and hard work have been valuable to the development of this guidance. The guideline has now been published on the NICE website. We would be grateful for your continued support in implementing the guideline and look forward to working with you again in the future.


Learning Disabilities Awareness Week 2022

Sarah Cherry and Jo TurnerSarah Cherry and Jo Turner took part in the Meet the LD Champions Day at St. Giles' Hospice, as part of Learning Disabilities Awareness Week 2022.

This followed on from the work we have been doing with the Learning Disabilities Steering Group. The day was set up by the members of the group, which include representatives from local day services, St. Giles' Hospice, service users, Occupational Therapists, and ourselves.

It was well attended by hospice staff, both community and building based, and we received positive interest and feedback on our stand and information sharing.

Diane Goodwin.jpgCongratulations to Diane Goodwin (Clinical Team Lead of the South Staffordshire Community Learning Disability Team) who attended her graduation ceremony this week to collect her Level 5 Apprenticeship in Operational and Departmental Management award.

IST Stafford wins Julie Reed Award

Julie Reed Award CertificateThe Intensive Support Team Stafford has won the Julie Reed Award for the best Learning Disabilities nursing placement for the last academic year. The Intensive Support Team were nominated by students from Wolverhampton University.


Learning Disabilities Contact Details


Community Learning Disability Team
Flanagan Centre
St Georges Hospital
Corporation Street
ST16 3SR
01785 221576

Community Learning Disability Team
1st Floor-The Friary Centre
St Michael’s Court
Trent Valley Road
WS13 6EF
01543 442030


Community Learning Disability Team
Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
The Redwoods Centre
Somerby Drive
Bicton, Shrewsbury
01743 211210


Community Learning Disability Team
Fuller House
Hall Court, Hall Park Way
01952 457417

Intensive Support Teams

Flanagan Centre
St Georges Hospital
Corporation Street
ST16 3SR
01785 221576

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin,
The Redwoods Centre
Somerby Drive
Bicton, Shrewsbury
01743 211210

Intensive Health Outreach Team
The Redwoods Centre
Somerby Drive
Bicton, Shrewsbury

01743 211210