All families in Stoke-on-Trent will be offered an antenatal contact from the Health Visiting team, a new birth visit at home, and a 6 week and 3-4 month mother and baby review. When your baby is 9-12 months and 2-2½ years we offer a development review. Once your child starts school you will receive a questionnaire about your child's health. Weight and height reviews will be offered in reception and year 6 as part of the National Child Measurement Programme through the Local Authority team.

Some families may require more support. Your Health Visitor and School Nurse will identify the level of support which your family requires and if needed, will talk your through additional offers of support available to you.

In addition to these routine contacts parents and young people can contact us for support or advice on by calling the Hub, texting our ChatHealth service or attending one of our clinics. We also have active Facebook, Twitter and Instagram sites - see below for links, further information and contact details.

The Hub is a central point of contact, accessible by telephoning 0300 404 2993. Our Hub team provide advice, guidance and signposting to families, young people and professionals. 

chat-health logo

ChatHealth is a text message service for young people and parents to ask for health and wellbeing advice. Messages sent to the dedicated number are delivered to a secure website and responded to by one of the trained health professionals from the Stoke-on-Trent 0-19 Integrated Health Visiting and School Nursing Service. Texts are usually replied to within one working day.

ChatHealth is available between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday. Outside of these times, anyone who texts the service receives a message explaining where to get help if their question is urgent, and when they can expect a response.

The number to text if you are a young person living in Stoke-on-Trent is: 07520 615723.

The number to text if you are a parent/carer living in Stoke-on-Trent is: 07312 277161

The legal bit

For young people: We do not usually inform your parents, teachers or anyone else if you contact the school nurse. We might inform someone if we were concerned about your safety, but we would usually speak to you first.

For all: Your messages are stored and can be seen by other healthcare staff who follow the same confidentiality rules. We aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate response to confirm we have received your text. Texts will not be seen outside of normal working hours. If you need help before you hear back from us, contact NHS 111 or your family doctor (in an emergency situation dial 999). Our text number does not receive voice calls or MMS picture messages. We support messaging from UK mobile numbers only (which does not include messages sent from landlines, international mobile numbers and some 'number masking' mobile apps). Prevent the service from sending messages to you by texting STOP to our number. Messages are charged at your usual rate.

Virtual Breastfeeding Support Clinic

Midlands Partnership are offering a weekly virtual breastfeeding support clinic, where we can offer support, share information and answer any questions you may have.  virtual group laptop.png

Our virtual support clinic is open to pregnant and breastfeeding mums living in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.  To attend the virtual session you'll need to book a place through our dedicated bookings site.  To ensure everyone's safety we'll need to check the NHS number of either you or your baby, you will need to add this at the time of booking (see the 'How to book' information below).

The virtual clinic takes place each Tuesday 13.30 - 14.30

The sessions are delivered over Microsoft Teams, but you won't need any special equipment or to download any apps, just a smartphone, tablet or laptop and a valid email address.

To book a place follow the link to our online bookings page.

How to book: 

  1. Open the above link 
  2. Select the event you would like to attend (the information tab includes further details) 
  3. Select the date from the calendar (please note any dates with available sessions will only be a slight shade darker – we are unable to change this) 
  4. Select the time 
  5. Add in your details (Your name, your email address and either you or your baby’s date of birth).  
  6. Click ‘book’ 

Following booking your will receive a confirmation email, including a joining link (please check your spam folder)

Our service has active Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, why not give us a 'like' and 'follow'?

facebook logo MPFT 0-19 City HV and SN

instagram logo @mpft_0.19_city_hv_sn

 twitter bird logo MPFT 0-19 City HV & SN @mpft019_hv_sn 

Antenatal Contacthealth visitor showing parents to be the 0-5 booklet

In addition to the care and support from your Midwives, all pregnant women will be contacted and offered a visit from a member of a Health Visiting team after 28 weeks of pregnancy. You will be given information about our service, including how and when to contact us and how to make an apointment if you wish.  At the appointment you will have the chance to discuss your feelings about becoming a parent, any concerns you may have and to ask any questions. You will be offered health promotion advice to help you and your unborn baby stay healthy, including infant feeding, diet and safe sleep.

New Birth Visit

A Health Visitor will visit you and your family at home, usually when your new baby is between 10-14 days old. This visit gives you the chance to discuss any concerns about the health and well-being of yourself, your new baby or the rest of the family. You will be able to ask for any advice or information and discuss any worries you may have, for example; coping with crying, reducing the risk of SIDS (“cot death”), infant feeding, immunisations, home and car safety, sibling rivalry, looking after yourself or your new role as a parent.  You will be offered a bookstart pack to encourage reading with your baby.

Well Baby Clinic

Well baby clinics are weekly appointed clinics where you can bring your baby or child to be weighed or ask questions about your own or your baby’s health.

6 week review

This review is usually done by your Health Visitor at home (before a check from your doctor at 8 weeks). This is a chance to discuss any worries, even minor things. Your baby’s weight, health, growth and development will be reviewed with you. Postnatal depression is common and you will be asked about your emotional wellbeing.

3-4 month contact

Your Health Visitor Team will contact you at 3-4 months with information regarding baby development, introducing solid foods and Perinatal Mental Health.  If you have any concerns you will be invited to contact the service to arrange an appointment.


9-12 month development review

Between nine and twelve months your baby’s general health and development will be reviewed with you by a member of the Health Visiting team. You will be able to have your baby weighed and measured.

This is a chance to talk about your baby, their health and general behaviour and discuss any worries. You will be sent a questionnaire prior to the appointment which allows you to try out some activities with your baby at home, where they are comfortable and in familiar surroundings. Your Health Visitor will go through this questionnaire at your appointment; this is just a guide and it is not expected that your child will be able to do all the things on the questionnaire.

Some things you may want to discuss when you go for the review include:

  • How you are feeling yourself
  • Your baby’s feeding, sleep, and/or behaviour
  • Your baby’s weight
  • Is your baby sitting alone?
  • Does your baby babble (ba-ba, da-da, etc)?
  • Your baby’s eyesight and hearing
  • Your child’s immunisations
  • Your baby’s teeth
  • Switching from bottle to cup
  • Getting rid of dummies
  • Accident prevention
  • Childcare / going back to work or training

Remember: if you are worried about your child’s behaviour, health, growth or development you can contact your Health Visitor through your local Hub at any time.


24-30 month development review

Your child’s progress will be reviewed at around 2 - 2½ years by a member of the Health Visiting team. This is a chance to talk about your child, their health and general behaviour and discuss any worries you may have, for example:

  • Speech and language development
  • Behaviour
  • Toilet training
  • Home safety
  • Brushing your child’s teeth / registering with a dentist
  • Immunisations.
  • Getting ready for nursery

You will be sent a questionnaire prior to the appointment which allows you to try out some activities with your baby at home, where they are comfortable and in familiar surroundings. Your Health Visitor will go through this questionnaire at your appointment. This is just a guide and it is not expected that your child will be able to do all the things on the questionnaire.




Transition from Health Visiting services at 5 years of age and onward support.

What you can expect from us; 

When your child is in their Reception year you will receive a letter based on a health questionnaire from our Team. There will be details on how to contact us via our Hub or our parent chat Helpline. We can offer you support and help you with any concerns or questions that you may have. We can  also arrange to meet you and your child if you need to be seen. We work closely with other partner services within the community who are there also to support children and families. 

When your child reaches Year 6 and Year 10, further letters with lots of age appropriate links and information will be sent out from our service.

In Year 7 our School Nurses will offer assemblies to your child/young person to introduce services available to them, for example Chat Health, Health4teens and Drop ins at their school.

The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)

Weight and height reviews will be offered in Reception and Year 6 as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) by our Local Authority team.


All young people in high schools in Stoke on Trent can access health advice and support at confidential drop-ins every other week.

We will contine to support pupils and families with medical conditions, care planning and coordinating services.


Clinics are provided throughout the city for Enuresis (bed wetting) and advice about constipation.

Additonal Support

The service will support applications for Continuing Care Funding and contribute to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Assessments.  We support our Children in Care by completing health assessments and work with other professionals to support the work of safeguarding children and families through Early Help Intervention, Child in Need and Child Protection.


Referral can be made for children and young people aged between 5 to 19 years, who live in Stoke-on-Trent. Referrals can be made by parents, young people, carers, teaching staff, GPs, social workers and allied health professionals. We operate Monday to Friday 9am- 5pm excluding Bank Holidays and weekends. Our contact number is 0300 404 2993

If you are ever unsure if your referral is appropriate, please do not hesitate to contact the 0-19 team directly. All referrals into the service will be reviewed. If information has been left out, or the referral is inappropriate we will contact you to discuss this further.

Please complete and return the referral form by email to

 or by post to:

Smallthorne Health Centre

2 Baden Road, Stoke on Trent

 Staffs. ST6 1SA

0-19 Referral Form (.doc)

You can also refer by telephoning: 0300 404 2993 during the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.


We Love Feedback... simply use your camera mode or QR scanner to link to Our Service user Feedback.

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Health Visiting and School Nursing Contact Details

East Hub

(covering East Staffs, Cannock, Lichfield, Rugeley, Tamworth)

telephone white.png0300 303 3924

Chat Health Text Messaging Service

Parents/Carers text: 07520 615722

For young people living in Staffordshire, text 07520 615721 


West Hub

(covering Moorlands, Newcastle, South Staffordshire, Stafford, Stone)

telephone white.png0300 303 3923

Chat Health Text Messaging Service

Parents/Carers text: 07520 615722

For young people living in Staffordshire, text 07520 615721 

Stoke Hub

(covering all localities in Stoke-on-Trent) 

telephone white.png 0300 404 2993

Chat Health Text Messaging Service

Parents/Carers text: 07312 277161

For young people living in Stoke-on-Trent, text: 07520 615723