Mike Brooks is the Trust’s first Physical Health Patient Engagement and Empowerment Champion.

This new role is the first of its type in physical health services and was established to further advance patient engagement within the development of our Musculoskeletal (MSK) Interface Service.

Mike has a great deal of experience within the MSK service after working for a number of years as a volunteer to the Haywood Foundation charity and as a long term user of MPFT services.

Mike joined MPFT as an employee in January 2021, when he was appointed as a Physical Health Peer Support Worker.

Based within the MSK Service at Haywood Hospital, under the guidance of Consultant Physiotherapist Kay Stevenson, Mike’s focus is on developing and fostering links between the patient and carer community, service providers and commissioners as well as contributing to the integration, communication and education elements of the MSK service.

Mike said: “I want to express my thanks to Kay, my colleagues at Haywood Hospital and everybody who has encouraged and supported me in my journey thus far. It is a huge privilege to work with them all and to represent the patient voice in local service delivery.

“I look forward to continuing to help shape MPFT services by placing the voice of our patients and service users at the forefront, to contribute to the design of systems and services going forward.”

Kay added: “We are absolutely delighted that Mike has secured this role. He has already had such an impact and started to change the way we do things. I’m really looking forward to working alongside Mike to empower and engage more of our local communities.”

You can find out more about Mike and his MPFT journey so far on our podcast: https://anchor.fm/mpft/episodes/The-Integration-of-Health-and-Care-through-the-eyes-and-experience-of-a-patient-representative-e1dj648

Mike can be followed on Twitter @MikeB_psw4mpft