The benefits of exercise and the great outdoors have been proven to be as important and beneficial to our mental health as it is for our physical health.

The Arts for Health team here at MPFT launched a grounds walk at St. George's Hospital in Stafford on 2 July 2021. The route was officially opened and tested by MPFT’s Chief Executive Officer, Neil Carr.

The walk provides an opportunity for inpatients, staff and visitors to take a leisurely stroll around a signposted route. There are two routes – the main green route is a short accessible circular walk of about half a mile. The pink route extends the walk by another half a mile. There are maps and information located on the hospital’s wards and in the reception areas.

Jessica Kent, Arts for Health Co-ordinator at MPFT said, “We hope that the walk will encourage anyone on site at St. George’s, but inpatients in particular, to get some fresh air and exercise on a regular basis. The planned walk provides a safe and well researched route around the site.”

“I would like to say a big thank you to Eleanor Babb in Arts for Health for all her work on this project, we are very grateful to her and wish her well in her new role at Burton Hospital as Arts Co-ordinator. We will miss her!”