Dear colleagues,

It is with great sadness that I watch the news and learn of the unfolding events in Ukraine. In uncertain times, it is common to feel unsettled and for some people, who either have relatives or friends in Ukraine or Russia, this news will bring with it very mixed emotions and feelings.

There may be some of our MPFT Family who have family, friends or colleagues who are directly affected by the events happening in Eastern Europe and I would ask that, whatever our beliefs or feelings are, we continue to treat each other with compassion and respect at all times.

Lots of us have been wondering how we can best support this crisis. There are many local and national charities which have infrastructure set up for these types of crises and information can be found on our intranet. Members of our Trust family have also asked if MPFT can donate medical supplies; all medical supplies donated by the NHS will be co-ordinated nationally.

The images and stories we are seeing and hearing are heart-breaking and upsetting. If anyone of you would like support, please contact your line manager or take a look at our SOOTHE resources.

These are uncertain times and I am sure we all stand together in hoping for a peaceful resolution to these current troubles. I know our MPFT family will all be supportive to each other and I also know it goes without saying, however, it’s important we all look after ourselves and each other.

Yours, Neil